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Bayer Drontal Dewormer for Cats Allworms Round and Tap Worm 8/40 Tabs

4.82 (11 reviews)

Regular price € 27.92

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Dewormer for Cat Allworms Round and Tap Worm 4-40 Tabs EXP 04/2022

1 tablet per 4kg bodyweight

Eliminates the most common intestinal parasites.
Tapeworms: Taenia taeniaeformis, Dipylidium caninum
Hookworms: Ancylostoma tubaeforma, Ancylostoma brazilense, Uncinaria stenocephala
Roundworms: Toxocara cali, Toxascaris leonina

Active Ingredients
Each Tablet contains: 20mg Praziquantel & 80mg Pyrantel.

Dosage and method of use
1 tablet per 4kg weight or 8.8 lbs.
Tablets given orally and can be mixed with food.
Tablets can be divided into halves.

Dosage Guide:
2kg or 4.4 lbs bodyweight   = 1/2 Tablet
4kg or 8.8 lbs bodyweight   = 1 Tablet
6kg or 13.2 lbs bodyweight  = 1 1/2 Tablets
Not intended for use in kittens less than 6 weeks old or under 2 pounds in weight.
Do not use during cat's pregnancy or with piperazine compounds.

Keep out of Reach of Children

4.82 (11 reviews)
Grace Cunningham
It came very quickly
Bayer Drontal Dewormer for Cats Allworms Round and Tap Worm 8/40 Tabs
Davis Kelly
original product, i always use this shop
Alan Gomez
Received. not in the original packaging. hope will help.
Douglas Welch
i buy from here all the time
Gloria Morales
‏very good thank you very much
Joyce Marshall
It's all very well.
Jacqueline Nguyen
me llegaron abiertas...
Heather McCoy
really works
Bayer Drontal Dewormer for Cats Allworms Round and Tap Worm 8/40 Tabs
Keith Hunt
Thank you Marius
Bayer Drontal Dewormer for Cats Allworms Round and Tap Worm 8/40 Tabs
Pamela Jacobs
arrived in 14 days, just in time. thank you
Kathryn Greene
We got fast. Well packed. Thank you.

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Bayer Drontal Dewormer for Cats Allworms Round and Tap Worm 8/40 Tabs

€ 27.92
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